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About Us

Welcome to the BIBTF website.

The purpose of the About Us webpage is to introduce you to the history, beliefs, and aims & ethos of the BIBTF. BIBTF stands for British Israel Bible Truth Fellowship.

The BIBTF was founded in 1974, and is a Registered Charity (No. 272447). Its story concerns people who share its interesting beliefs, and support its important mission.

It has an important story to tell, as a focus for education, research and fellowship.

The BIBTF exists to proclaim the whole counsel of God revealed in the Bible.

A belief that the historic British people descend from Israelites has been a recurrent claim of British rulers and people for centuries. The BIBTF stands in line with them.

Our name, BIBTF, encapsulates our ethos. It puts the Bible at the centre; emphasizes the calling of God’s covenant people today; and recognises that people need to know truth and to have fellowship. BIBTF aims to benefit all by its inclusive free ministry.

The BIBTF is a faith work. All its activities depend on gifts (donations and legacies). God gives us power to get wealth, tells us to be not slothful in business, and reveals sound economic principles and responsibilities. God ordained the principle of paying tithes in Israel, and of giving freewill offerings, which we recognise and teach.

Click on one of the four left hand buttons to learn more.

Aims and Ethos

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